
Fire Grounds Coffee

Dallas, Texas
Food & Beverage

of target $37,000 - $1,036,000

128.3% funded
Company Highlights:
- Currently distributing to 49 Sprouts Farmers Markets, 24 Walmart's In the Dallas Fort Worth area, and Over 50 individual wholesale accounts across the country
- Selling on Amazon.com and www.firegroundscoffeecompany.com
- Over 24 coffee products including retail-ready 1lb bags and 24ct coffee pods
- Co-Manufacturing deal with SnapChill to create ready-to-drink canned 12oz coffee to be available in all Texas Walmart's with an end goal of national distribution
- Partnership with EMG (Englewood Marketing Group) that will broker and distribute to over 140 of the nation's biggest retail stores. EMG will also upload Fire Grounds Coffee Co's product list to drop ship to over 55 of the country's biggest e-commerce platforms.
- Acquisition of a firefighter-owned and operated apparel company to design and run the apparel side of sales.
- Caffeinate-a-Station. A unique program that partners businesses and Fire Grounds Coffee Co together to support their local fire or police departments.
- Fire Grounds Coffee Co roasts and delivers coffee to the fire or police stations of the sponsor's choice. The first responders receive information about their sponsors and know they are appreciated by their local community.
About Fire Grounds Coffee
Fire Grounds Coffee Company is a start up Dallas, Texas based coffee roaster that has developed a line of premium coffees. Fire Grounds Coffee Company has been formed as an Texas Multi Member LLC by the founder Paul Clarke.
Keys to Success
Fire Grounds Coffee Company has identified four keys that will be instrumental to its success:
- Leveraging strong media appearances through the show, America's Real Deal, and other media outlets
- Create outstanding merchandise and apparel
- Employ strict financial controls
- Develop strong sales across all channels (retail, bulk sales, online, etc.)
Our Story
The idea came at 2 o'clock in the morning with sirens roaring and lights flashing as they arrived at a call riding the ambulance. It was the thirteenth call of the night, there was no sleep in sight, and only mediocre coffee waiting for them back at the station. They poised themselves for action and then someone interjected, “Someone should start a coffee company for first responders." His colleague quickly agreed, they unloaded and went onto their patient, and that was the end of the discussion. The idea followed founder, Paul Clarke, to Iraq where he deployed in 2018 for 9 months. While serving overseas, he met fellow-minded service members who wanted to help make his idea a reality. Brainstorming the business soon became one of their favorite pastimes. Over a year later, Fire Grounds Coffee Co. was officially established. Through the help of his best friend, dad, a fellow Marine Captain, and two Air Force Captains, he was able to gain the funding he needed to provide delicious, fresh coffee to first responders and friends. Paul is a father, Dallas Firefighter, and Paramedic, a previous Officer in the Marine Corps Reserves, and an Iraq Veteran. Paul started Fire Grounds Coffee Co. because he wanted first responders to enjoy quality coffee and give back to a group of men and women he is proud to represent. The dream is becoming a reality and he is ready to deliver a product to everyone that represents his passion and commitment. What's our mission or purpose? As a first responder and veteran company, we want to celebrate the first responder mission and culture of helping others selflessly. We do that by roasting fresh coffee and offering apparel that first responders can take pride in. To us, a first responder is someone who is on the front lines when a disaster strikes, whether personal, local, or national. Police, Firefighters, EMTs, and even emergency medical staff, they're all there for the communities when things go wrong. We need to recognize these heroes and unite under one cause, of helping others. We also recognize that being a first responder takes a toll on everyone's mental health. That's why we partner with national mental health non-profits to make sure every first responder has access to counseling, mental health resources, and suicide prevention. Where do the coffee beans come from? Colombia and Brazil.  |
Target Market
 Fire Grounds Coffee Company has decided to concentrate on three distinct customer segments: First Responders, Regional Grocery Stores & Coffee shops, and Veterans.
While the coffee industry as a whole has been stagnate for a while, the high-end gourmet coffee market is still growing. This can be attributed to a number of factors including the maturing and increased sophistication of the American palette. Fire Grounds Coffee Company faces competition from several competitors who focus on convenience or price as opposed to product quality which is the strength of Fire Grounds Coffee Company.
Market Segmentation
Fire Grounds Coffee Company has segmented its market into three distinct customer segments:
First Responders & Nurses - This includes firefighters, police officers, and EMTs. This client base will be our lowest percentage but our most loyal base. They will tell other first responders and will create a “word of mouth” effect on our sales. They will also generate the most social media content by posting pictures of themselves drinking coffee at their fire, police, or EMS station.
- R
egional Grocery Stores & Coffee Shops - that pride themselves in carrying local products. These stores include HEB, Sprouts, Whole Foods, and other independent grocery stores in the DFW area. Their customer base is generally high-income young professionals that do not mind spending extra for quality products with a rich history or back story.
- Pro First Responder / Veteran - and anyone else who works with or is closely related to the Firefighter vocation. This customer base either knows a firefighter, works with firefighters every day, or is in a profession that can highly relate to or admire the type of person that works in the firefighter industry. These clients will purchase Fire Grounds Coffee Company since they consider the profession noble and want to support the charitable groups that Fire Grounds Coffee Company contributes to. This will be our largest segment.

US Coffee Industry Analysis:
Global Coffee Market: Coffee is the second-largest commodity traded after oil, with the worldwide retail coffee market being a $56 billion industry. The coffee belt is roughly bounded by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and is mainly comprised of 28 countries. The top-ten coffee-producing countries are, in descending order: Brazil, Vietnam, Columbia, Indonesia, Mexico, Ethiopia, India, Guatemala, Ivory Coast, and Uganda. During the 1990's, Vietnam moved from fourth largest to second largest producer of coffee in the world, with most of its production in robusta beans (Low Quality). Coffee is available in several forms: bean, ground, liquid, and soluble: powdered, granules, freeze-dried. Worldwide, with the exception of North America, people prefer instant coffee and coffee is mainly prepared at home. Fire Grounds Coffee Company will source from the country of Colombia, the bean grade will be Q grade 80.75 (Medium to High Quality).
Top 15 coffee-importing countries as a % of world supplies:
U.S. Coffee Market: The total U.S. coffee market is projection: 
Strategy and Implementation Fire Grounds Coffee Company will continue to grow store placement and brand awareness with distribution and marketing company, Englewood Marketing Group. This company is the parent company of SnapChill. Englewood will broker to over 140 of the biggest retailer stores in the country as well as place Fire Grounds Coffee Co products on 55 of the biggest e-commerce platforms in the country. Fire Grounds Coffee Co will use crowdfunding to scale to fulfill the large number of orders that will come in from this relationship.
Fire Grounds Coffee Co Management
Paul Clarke CEO
Business development, accounting, sales, culture of the company, design and roasting. Decisions ultimately will be made in matters of major purchases, business legal matters, finances, accounting practices, packaging, T-Shirts, Logos, Website, Photography, and all artwork associated with the company.
Kyle Lund President
Subject matter expert on packaging, logistics, business practices, and manufacturing efficiency. He will initially work as the warehouse manager until one is hired. Will collaborate on matters of major purchases, business legal matters, finances, and accounting practices.
Grant W. Robertson Sales Director
Develop a custom sales processes by integrating previously successes sales software. Develop and implement targeted account marketing towards 4 of the 5 revenue channels previously mentioned (Retail, Bulk, Business to Business, and Caffeinate-a-station)
 The information provided is a summary only. Please review the full offering documents (Form C) for a full description of the company and offering.
 You can cancel an investment commitment until 48 hours prior to the offering deadline. | | | |